St. Patrick Catholic Church of White Lake is a Catholic faith community that celebrates Life in Christ. As we are nourished and led by the Holy Spirit, our common Baptismal mission is: to evangelize; to proclaim and to teach the Word of God; to praise and to worship God in Word and Sacrament; and to live His Word through loving service to ALL people. On this active faith journey, we are called to be disciples who affirm, heal and forgive in the love of Christ. We are glad that you are here on this journey with us!
Saturdays: 5pm
Sundays: 8am, 10am, 12pm
Mondays: 8am
Tuesdays: 11am
Wednesdays: 8am
Thursdays: 8am
Fridays: 8:30am (school days), 8am (non-school days)
*schedule subject to change during Advent/Lent and other Holy Days of Obligation
Monday-Thursday 8am-2pm
Friday 8am-12pm
Upcoming Events
Church of the Holy SpiritHighland, Michigan
St. Perpetua Catholic ChurchWaterford, Michigan
St. Mary Our Lady of the SnowsMilford, Michigan
You can find additional information about our transition into the Family of Parishes by visiting the Archdiocese of Detroit website.
Archdiocese of Detroit
Welcome to St. Patrick Catholic Church in White Lake, Michigan! We are so glad you are here and look forward to meeting you in person soon. Please feel free to browse our site to learn more about our St. Patrick parish, organizations, ministries and the West Oakland Family of Parishes community and don't hesitate to reach out to our staff with any questions you may have. Below you will find our New Parishioner Registration Form to become an official part of our faith family community and take a look through all of the tabs to the right to learn more about the programs and opportunites that will be of interest to you and your family.
New Parishioner Registration
Contact Us
I appeal to you therefore, brethren, by the mercies of God, to present your bodies as a living sacrifice, holy and acceptable to God, which is your spiritual worship. ~Romans 12:1
Mass Times
Keep your eye out for our Walk Through the Mass classes here at St. Patrick that are done semi-annually can learn more about the structure and meaning of the Catholic Mass at the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops website at the link below.
Structure and Meaning of Mass
We celebrate Mass every day of the week, with our typical schedule being:
Mondays: 8am
Tuesdays: 11am
Wednesdays: 8am
Thursdays: 8am
Fridays: 8:30am (on school days), 8am (non-school days)
Saturdays: 5pm
Sundays: 8am, 10am, 12pm
*Coffee and Donuts available after the 8am and 10am Masses
He saved us, not because of deeds done by us in righteousness, but in virtue of his own mercy, by the washing of regeneration and renewal in the Holy Spirit. ~ Titus 3:5
Holy Baptism is the basis of the whole of Christian life, the gateway to life in the Spirit, and th door which gives access to the other sacraments. Through Baptism we are freed from sin and reborn as sons of God; we become members of Christ, are incorporated into the Church and made sharers in her mission; "Baptism is the sacrament of regeneration through water and in the word." ~CCC 1213
Are you a registered parishioner interested in having your child Baptized here at St. Patrick? Please fill out the registration form to being the process of Baptism for your little one.
Baptism Registration
And he took bread, and when he had given thanks he broke it and gave it to them, saying, "This is my body which is given for you. Do this in remembrance of me." And likewise the cup after supper, saying, "This cup which is poured out for you is the new covenant in my blood." ~ Luke 22:19-20
"Since Christ was about to take his departure from his own in his visable form, he wanted to give us his sacramental presence; since he was about to offer himself on the cross to save us, he wanted us to have the memorial of the love with which he loved us 'to the end' (John 13:1), even to giving of his life. In his Eucharistic presence he remains mysteriously in our midst as the one who loved us and gave himself up for us, and he remains under signs that express and communicate this love". ~CCC 1380
As Catholics, we participate in the sacrament of Holy Eucharist or Communion during each Mass after we have gone through the process of learning and understanding this sacred rite. Children are typically eligible for their First Holy Eucharist or First Communion around second grade and adults who have not received this sacrament can go through the RCIA (Rite of Christian Initiation for Adults) program for any and all sacraments they did not do as children. You can learn more about Holy Eucharist and the other important Catholic sacraments here.
If you are seeking to enroll your child in St. Patrick's Religious Education and Sacramental Preparation Classes, please visit our Religious Education page to learn more about our programs and find contact information if you have additional questions or concerns.
Religious Education
If you are an adult seeking to learn more about the Catholic faith and traditions or have an intention of becoming Catholic, you can learn more about the RCIA program and sign up for future sessions at our Adult Faith Formation page.
Adult Faith Formation
Reconciliation typically takes place on Saturdays from 11am-12pm
*with the exception of holidays, where other opportunities for evening Confessions are available
The Sacrament of Reconciliation brings about a change of heart through God's mercy and forgiveness. Reconciliation (also known as Confession or Penance) is a sacrament instituted by Jesus Christ in His love and mercy to offer sinners forgiveness for offenses committed against God. At the same time sinners reconcile with the Church who is also wounded by our sins.
Therefore a man leaves his father and mother and clings to his wife, and they become one flesh. ~Genesis 2:24
We would love to help you prepare for the sacrament of marriage and walk with you as you take your journey to becoming one in the eyes of God. If you are interested in getting married at St. Patrick, please contact our Worship Coordinator at [email protected] for additional information about the process.
We serve people of every age and stage of life here at St. Patrick and have many opportunities for families (and every individual within the family) to enjoy worship, fellowship, and service in the parish and beyond.
Our Family Faith Formation program is an opportunity for the whole family to explore their faith together! This program will meet monthly at St Patrick Parish from 8:30 am -11:45am (10-11 will be Mass with the children's Liturgy). Weekly at-home lessons will be provided for each grade level K-5. Our goal with this program is to engage the whole family on your faith journey.
Family Faith Formation Information
We offer a wide range of opportunites to engage your little ones in the Catholic faith in fun and interactive ways that will keep them excited about their relationship with God. Every Sunday at 10am, children are invited to attend our Children's Liturgy, where they will have that week's readings explained in a way they can better comprehend. Each year we offer Religious Education (Catechism) and Vacation Bible School, along with a variety of fun family activities throughout the year like our annual Christmas party, art exhibit and more!
Religious Education
St. Patrick School is a part of St. Patrick Parish, providing students and parents with a community that shares Catholic traditions, worships together and assists those in need. The school guides students in an atmosphere of continued growth through academic, spiritual and moral development. St. Patrick School develops students of integrity, with values to sustain and lead them in lives that truly make a difference.
St. Patrick parish is proud to offer our parish-sponsored Athletic Program, the St. Patrick Athletic Association (SPAA). SPAA is part of the Archdiocese of Detroit Catholic Youth Organization (CYO) Athletics and is a parish-based program that is dedicated to the development of youth as a student athlete encouraging them to express Catholic values, sportsmanship and fair play that leads to a positive athletic experience. The Catholic Youth Organization offers team sport opportunities from 5th-8th grade youth.
Learn More About SPAA
At St. Patrick Catholic Church, we aim to create a vibrant community of believers who share their faith with one another by worshiping and celebrating the Lord together and also by sharing our faith through service with the greater local community and the world at large.
St. Patrick has multiple opportunities specifically for men to engage in fellowship, fun and unique discussions and worship opportunities. Men are invited to learn more about our Knights of Columbus Organization and Men's Fellowship Group and join us to strengthen your faith among your brothers in Christ.
"In service to one, in service to all. As Knight, we focus our service on Church, community, family/youth and Right to Life."
Learn more
Are you up for a serious conversation in a casual environment? Then the St. Patrick Men's Fellowship is for you. Men of our parish and beyond gather monthly to discuss faith, family, and the world we're living in. We're a band of brothers looking to become better men, better husbands and better fathers. We're also there to support one another. We mix things up with thought-provoking videos and guest speakers who inspire us to grow in our faith. We also leave time for questions and group discussions.
We meet on the patio at Willson's Pub 'N Grill on Union Lake Road, where we also break bread and share a beverage. Pizza is provided through donations. A cash bar is also available. All men are welcome to join the Men's Fellowship Group. This group meets every fourth Thursday on the patio of Willson's Pub 'n' Grill (2256 Union Lake Road; Commerce Township, MI 48382). Join us for fellowship, food and Connection in Christ. We hope to see you there! Please contact Mike Christiansen at [email protected] for more information.
At St. Patrick, we aim to create a vibrant community of believers who share their faith with one another by worshiping and celebrating the Lord together and also by sharing our faith through service with the greater local community and the world at large.
The women of St. Patrick have created the very first Columbiettes chapter in all of Michigan! The Columbiettes are a national organization of Catholic women comprised of auxiliaries affiliated with the Knights of Columbus Councils. The individual auxiliaries are dedicated to promoting the spiritual, social, and charitable welfare of their members and the communities in which they reside.
Learn More