St. Patrick Catholic Parish of White Lake is a Catholic faith community that celebrates Life in Christ. As we are nourished and led by the Holy Spirit, our common Baptismal mission is: to evangelize; to proclaim and to teach the Word of God; to praise and to worship God in Word and Sacrament; and to live His Word through loving service to ALL people. On this active faith journey, we are called to be disciples who affirm, heal and forgive in the love of Christ. We are glad that you are here on this journey with us!
New to St. Patrick? Please join us for our monthly New Parishioner Registration or click here to register today. Not ready to fully register? Fill out our welcome form and we will be in touch with additional information that's important to you. Click here for welcome form.
We hope to see you soon at one of our many opportunities for worship, study, fellowship, service and fun!
St. Patrick Parish of White Lake has been serving the needs of our Catholic community since 1834. We are home to the oldest frame Catholic Church building in the lower penninsula of Michigan and still have Masses in our "Little White Chapel" on Memoral Day and Labor Day each year.
We are a part of the West Oakland Family of Parishes which also includes; Church of the Holy Spirit in Hightland, St. Mary Our Lady of the Snows in Milford, and St. Perpetua Parish in Waterford.
St. Patrick is fortunate to have Father David Cybulski and Father Paul Graney as Priest in Solidum.
You can learn more about our history here and we look forward to learning more about you!
Parish Office Hours
Monday - Friday: 9:00am - 3:00pm
Friday, February 7th
Adoration starting after our 8:30am MassFriday, March 7th | 5:30-8:30pm
Join us for a Fish Fry dinner, prayer & reflection time, ending with Adoration & Benediction. RSVP to Vicki at [email protected] by February 28th.Epic: The Early Church (couples study) -- Starting January 21st from 7-9pm in the Glass Block Meeting Room
Saturday, March 22nd | 9am-12pm
All are invited to attend this important in-person training, If you volunteer in any capacity in the church or school this class MUST be taken prior to any volunteering.
Save the date to join us for our Parish Feast Day Celebration!
Saturday, March 15th | 6-10pmExperience the warmth of Irish hospitality at St. Patrick's annual Parish Feast Day celebration. We're bringing our community together for a memorable evening of faith, fellowship, and festive traditions.
Enjoy a Traditional Irish Feast: • Authentic corned beef dinner • Pizza and assorted snacks • Adult beverages and soft drinks available for purchase
Entertainment for All Ages: • Live music and dancing • Children's scavenger hunt • Family-friendly activities
Make the evening special by reserving and decorating your own table, or simply join us after Mass. All are welcome to participate in this cherished parish tradition.
Free-will offerings gratefully accepted.
To Reserve a Table: Contact Vicki Krier [email protected]
With gratitude to the St. Patrick Knights of Columbus and Columbiettes for their dedicated support.
Mental Health Matters: A Journey of Understanding and Support
Join us for an enriching four-session study series exploring mental health through the lens of faith and compassion.
What You'll Gain:
• Understanding of key mental health topics • Tools for offering meaningful support • Ways to promote wellbeing in our community • Resources for recovery and healing
When: Wednesdays at 9:00 AM Starting: March 12th, 2025
Where: St. Patrick Parish of White Lake
Cost: FREE
This comprehensive course is designed to equip our parish community with knowledge and understanding to better support those facing mental health challenges.
Space is Limited Register Today: Contact: Evangelical Charity Office Phone: 248-698-3103
"Carry each other's burdens, and in this way you will fulfill the law of Christ." - Galatians 6:2
Thursday, February 20th | 8am-2pm
Give the Gift of Life. Did You Know? Every 2 seconds, someone in the U.S. needs blood. Your donation matters.You’re invited to help make our worship experience even more special!
We need more singers in the Children’s Choir & Folk Choir. Click here to learn more.Please join us for coffee, donuts and fellowship in the social hall after the 8am and 10am Masses each weekend. The proceeds are donated to local mission services in our area. We look forward to seeing you there!
We love having you as a part of our "flock". Keep in touch with us via email or text with Flocknote! You can choose to get updates from groups you are interested in and can unsubscribe at anytime. Sign up today by texting STPATWHITELAKE to 84576 or click here.
Welcome Back, Saintly Seniors! (Formerly the 50+ Club)
Join us for our joyful return celebration: Tuesday, February 11th, 2025
Schedule: 11:00 AM - Holy Mass
Followed by: • Delicious Brunch • Fellowship • First Meeting of 2025
Come be part of our vibrant senior community where faith, friendship, and fun come together. Whether you're a returning member or interested in joining for the first time, we'd love to have you!
Questions? Contact Shannon Pryce Email: [email protected]
"Gray hair is a crown of glory; it is gained in a righteous life." - Proverbs 16:31
All men are invited to join the St. Patrick Men's Fellowship Group. This group meets on the 4th Tuesday of each month at 7pm at Willson's Pub n' Grill (2256 Union Lake Road). This is a great way to build friendships with other men of our family of parishes as we strive to grow in faith, through the continued study of the teachings of Bishop Fulton Sheen.
Our Men's fellowship will be starting the "Mission of the Family" 5 part series, beginning at our October 22 Fellowship meeting. This series will proclaim the truth and beauty of the Catholic vision of marriage and family life, and seek to inspire and prepare men to lead their families to live this vision in the modern world. Click here to learn more.
The next meeting is February 25, 2025
Are you 19-30 years of age? St. Mary and St. Patrick have teamed up to host a Young Adult group and we would love to see you there! We have a wide range of events from bible studies and attending Mass together to open gym nights and exploring downtown Milford. Come meet with us on Thursdays for faith and fun from 6:00-8:30pm.
Email [email protected] for more information!
Attention All Catholic Men!
No man is too busy to be an active Knight of Columbus. In fact, giving just one full day a year to Knights of Columbus activities can make an enormous difference in your life. By spending an average of just 2 hours a month with us over a 12 month period, you will be able to serve our parish and help those in need throughout our community while also growing in your faith. It is very fulfilling to do what we do. We are considered the strong right arm of the Catholic Church and you should seriously consider joining. We invite all Catholic men from our Parish to join today!
As an incentive, we are offering FREE membership for the entire year of 2024. Simply log into the Knights of Columbus website at: If you have any questions, please contact Mark Agius at (313) 410-1447.
St. Patrick White Lake Council 13319
Calling All Moms!
Do you want to be refreshed? Inspired? Meet other Catholic moms? Join the new St. Perpetua Moms & Tots Group!
We are looking for young moms and veteran moms to help build a strong program offering faith, fellowship and fun,
The next Moms & Tots Meeting will be Thursday, February 20th at 9:30 a.m. in the St. Perpetua Parish Hall.
Need to have your little one Baptized? Fill out the form below to begin registration and set a date for this important Sacrament.
Upcoming Baptism Classes, Tuesdays at 7pm:
New members welcome, no experience necessary, participate when you can!
We are excited to inform you that we now offer Online Giving. As a church that seeks to serve, we wanted to provide you the convenience of being able to give the way you want, whenever you want. Online Giving offers you the opportunity to make secure, automatic contributions form your bank or credit/debit account to our church. Online Giving costs you nothing and provides many advantages to you and the church:
Every week we ask an individual or family to take home the chalice, put it in a prominent place, and pray for an increase in vocations to the Priesthood and Religious Life.
If you would like to take the chalice home for a week, please sign up at the link below or call our worship department at 248-698-3100 ext. 222 to make arrangements.
Please prayerfully consider joining this important ministry during the Mass you are alreaady attending. Training is provided. Contact our Worship Coordinator with any questions at [email protected] or Register Today. Thank you in advance!
Boys and Girls in 4th grade and up are needed to help during Mass. Altar Servers are such an important part of Mass and it is a wonderful way for the children of the parish to give back to their community during the Mass they are already attending. Training is provided, contact our Worship Coordinator at [email protected] for more information or sign up below.
Sign up to be an Altar Server
8th grade altar server, Findley DeNoon, was awarded a $500 scholarship for Outstanding Service as an Altar Server. The parish has begun this scholarship opportunity this year and will continue in the future. The parish is working on awarding a college scholarship to altar servers who stay in the ministry through senior year of high school.